Linux is one of the frequently used Operating Systems for servers. There are a number of different distributions that use the same core, but the vast majority have a few things in common - they're 100 % free to use, which decreases the total cost of the website hosting service since license fees will not be included in what you'll have to pay; they're very easy to take care of; and last, but not least, they are considerably more protected compared with competitor OSs, since random files, specifically virus-infected ones, can't be executed on the web server. That way, you can enjoy a protected service and spend the time creating and promoting your Internet sites, not worrying about safety problems. Many Linux-based machines use the Apache server to handle the HTTP traffic, due to the fact that this piece of software is incredibly quick and is also simple to maintain and modify depending on the needs of the web hosting provider. A Linux hosting server with Apache is the ideal software environment for your websites and it is not a coincidence that a number of popular script-driven apps on the market require LAMP, that signifies Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Shared Website Hosting

If you buy a shared website hosting service from us, your new account will be created on our top-notch cloud platform where all the web servers run Linux. Naturally, the OS has been custom made to meet our necessities, so that you can get the most of our clustered platform. The files, emails, stats, databases, etc., are managed by individual clusters of web servers and this contributes to the better performance of the platform, simply because one machine handles only one type of process running on it, contrary to what all kinds of other providers do. All web requests are addressed by Apache, since we have seen first-hand that that'slikely the lightest and most effective web server around. Using a shared account on our cloud platform, you will be able to enjoy a fast, reliable and protected service and to use almost any web programming language – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, and so on.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge custom made platform. An independent cluster of web servers deals with every single service - databases, emails, files, etcetera., and considering the fact that we highly appreciate the advantages of a custom-made, risk-free and dependable OS, all the web servers that form the clusters run Linux. The OS allows us to make the needed modifications, not to mention the raised speed, for the reason that only 1 type of process runs on the server, as opposed to the standard web hosting platform provided by most companies where everything runs on a single server. Additionally, we use the Apache web server too. We have analyzed its abilities through the years, so we have confirmed that it could give us as a provider and you as a customer the wanted speed and convenience for the most effective site performance.