We’ve designed different Advanced Tools that are offered for you totally free using the Sure Link Online Control Panel! They are ideal for web designers or, perhaps for online marketers who wish to be in charge of their website hosting environment independently. You can quickly make an .htaccess file, modify the PHP version for your own hosting account, customize the php.ini file, configure numerous automatic jobs and apps, and a lot more!

All Advanced Tools follow the structure pattern of our Online Control Panel, leading them to be very intuitive.

Hotlink Protection

Protect yourself from traffic theft

Any time you generate unique content there is always someone who will try to use it without having your permission. It is applicable simultaneously to written text as well as pictures. This is where the Hotlink Protection tool integrated into the Online Control Panel will surely help you out. With simply a mouse–click, you’ll take care of all visuals within your web site by preventing other websites from connecting to them.

Using this method, not only will you end people from using your pics, but you’ll at the same time ensure you follow your monthly data traffic restriction.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Automatic creation of .htaccess files

Thanks to the .htaccess file, you can quickly manage your web site – set up redirections, generate password shielded directories, etc. In the Sure Link Online Control Panel, it’s easy to generate unique .htaccess files working with the impressive .htaccess Generator.

You do not need to know anything concerning .htaccess files to operate the .htaccess Generator. Only select the modifications you have to generate while using the tool’s intuitive point–and–click user interface and it will instantly generate the necessary code for you.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Stop malicious IP addresses from accessing your website

Once you have a popular website, ultimately you become a target to spammers and destructive website visitors. It’s possible to shield all your web sites from these types of actions by using the IP blocking tool included in Sure Link’s Online Control Panel. The tool will help you to efficiently obstruct an IP address or an entire range of IPs with only a click of the mouse.

Joined with our comprehensive web stats and also the GeoIP redirection software instruments, this IP Blocking tool will help you to successfully command the entry to your website.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Switch the PHP settings for your personal website

The Sure Link Online Control Panel will give you the choice to instantly affect the PHP build for your web hosting account. You are able to choose from older PHP editions all the way to the most up–to–date stable PHP launch. We have constructed a straightforward interface that permits you to change the PHP release as many times as you want. Then the release you have selected will be applied quickly.

Regardless of what PHP build you decide on, you will also have complete control within the php.ini file – the PHP configuration file for your hosting account. It’s easy to alter many of the most popular options, modify the complete php.ini file or rapidly revert all changes and set things to their default state.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Set automatic scheduled jobs

In the Sure Link Online Control Panel, we’ve designed a simple and easy–to–use user interface for establishing brand new as well as controlling already present cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job is actually a scheduled job – usually a script, which is run at pre–set periods of time. It may be a basic script for checking out when your site is on the web, a mailing script, a website efficiency review, etc.

You’ll be able to configure and make use of cron jobs with Sure Link’s cloud hosting packs. In case you want additional cron jobs, it’s possible to buy further as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Fantastic way to shield your files

When using the Sure Link Online Control Panel, you’ll be able to speedily safeguard every single folder within your site, as a result of the Password Protection tool. All you must achieve is pick up the folder you want to defend and state a login name together with a security password that only you will know. Your folder and all of its files are going to be protected without delay.

The security password you have specified are going to be stored in a protected fashion. No one can check it out and you will be in a position to switch it once you would like.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with just several mouse–clicks

If at any time you want to redirect your site to another link, it can be done swiftly while using the URL Redirection instrument bundled inside the Sure Link Online Control Panel. You won’t need to create a special .htaccess file and address advanced lines of code. Everything you need to actually do is pick which website to divert and where you wish it to lead to. Our intelligent system will take care of everything for you.

And if you don’t need the website re–direction that you’ve set, you are able to cancel it with only a click.

URL Redirection